The 14 comparisons show you the difference between TPE and PVC.
TPE, full name Thermo-plastelastomer. Chinese term for thermoplastic elastomer. PVC, full name Polyvinylchloide, Chinese meaning PVC.
TPE can be regarded as a general term for all thermoplastic elastomers in a broad sense, including SBCs(SEBS, S...
TPE bag glue selection of DeChuang Chemical advantages
In order to enhance the comfort of the product, enhance the grip, enhance the beauty of the product, and increase the added value of the product, TPE bags are used in manual or electric tools, sports equipment, medical equipment, industrial casters, and s
What are the reasons for the poor viscosity of TPE bags?
Dongguan Dechuang Chemical Co., Ltd. is a gold medal manufacturer specializing in research and development and sales of elastomer TPE/TPR/TPU / TPEE rubber raw materials. TPE plastic materials are currently mature applications in the industry. DeCh...
What is the price of transparent TPE material
The thermoplastic elastomer TPE transparent material(usually based on SEBS, SBS modifications) is a transparent polymer material composed of matrix rubber resin mixed with operating oil and some proportion of plastic particles(without adding mineral fille
Performance of medium and high end TPE headphone plug material
With the rapid development of the rubber plastic industry, PVC is harmful to human health due to its phthalate plasticizer, and it is limited in environmental protection. Therefore, TPE gradually replaces the PVC position and produces high-end environment
Why high rebound TPE materials are made without toughness
It is well known that TPE materials have good elasticity and tear resistance, but occasionally customers have consulted me that the TPE materials made after the formation of the product toughness is very poor, and once pulled off, it is rotten. In fact, t
Children's toy industry TPR ingredients and PVC that is more popular
TPR is more environmentally friendly and more cost-effective. However, TPR soft adhesive material does not contain phthalate PAEs, except that it does not contain bisphenol A(BPA), does not contain nonylphenol NP, does not contain PAHs(polycyclic aromatic
Food-grade TPE can replace those applications of silicone
TPE materials are widely known for their wide range of applications: automobiles, sports equipment, tool handles, kitchen supplies, baby toys, food contact TPE, so today we focus on what TPE materials can meet in replacing silicone materials. TPE can repl
Whether TPE can be a spare tire for
TPE thermoplastic elastomers have gradually expanded to the fields of silica gel, PVC, and latex after years of development and application. At present, De Chuang Chemical Co., Ltd. has developed a number of different properties of TPE raw materials, some
What's the difference between TPE and Tpe?
TPE has the meaning of a generic term for all thermoplastic elastomers, including TPR, TPU, TPV, TPEE, TPO, TPAE, etc.. The Chinese name is Thermo-Plastic Elastomer. Due to problems such as history and usage habits, there is no unified naming...